Saturday, April 25, 2009

Apr. 24th Articles

Your vote goes exactly where you want it to
Nanaimo Daily News
Friday, April 24, 2009
by Devon Rowcliffe

BC-STV 'better' for voters: proponent
Abbotsford Times
Friday, April 24, 2009
by Christina Toth

It is time for our government to reflect who we are
Western Catholic Reporter
April 27, 2009 edition
by Joe Gunn

Learn more about the B.C. Single Transferable Vote
SPIN News Magazine (Sun Peaks)
April 24, 2009

BC STV: Bruce Hallsor, co-chair of the 'Yes' campaign, makes the case for supporting STV
Western Standard
April 24, 2009

STV empowers voters
Abbotsford News
April 24, 2009

We should change how we vote to provide gender parity
Burnaby NewsLeader
April 24, 2009

STV campaign gears up for May 12 referendum
By Dan MacLennan
April 24, 2009

BC-STV - Selecting Candidates
By Ray Grigg
April 24, 2009

Peer into alternate universe through new STV site
The Hook (The Tyee)
April 24, 2009
by Crawford Kilian

Apr. 23rd Articles

The Incurably Elitist Logic of the Globe and Mail
Opinion 250 (Prince George)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
by Peter Ewart

Make every vote count
Peace Arch News
April 23, 2009
by Daryl Sturdy

BC-STV: Fair results and stable government
Surrey Leader
April 23, 2009

Editorial - More choice offered with STV
Langley Times
April 23, 2009

STV webcast April 30
Surrey North Delta Leader
April 23, 2009

STV will clean up B.C. politics
Nelson Daily News
Thu 23 Apr 2009
Page: 7
Section: Editorial
Byline: Marty Horswill

To the Editor:

Last week I ended my letter about the upcoming referendum on changing BC's election system by saying, "I'm voting for BC-STV and all British Columbians fed up with BC politics as usual should do likewise."

I've had lots of positive feedback about that letter but my critics have said, "Whoa, hold on a minute Horswill, you can't toss out a sweeping generalization like 'British Columbians fed up with B.C. politics as usual' and not expect to be challenged to defend your charge with some evidence."

OK, I agree. That was a bit too glib a comment and deserves to be challenged. So here's my explanation.

First let me describe what I mean by "fed up with B.C. politics as usual."

I'm fed up with the childish, school-yard-bully type, name-calling that substitutes for reasoned debate in our Provincial Legislature. This ugly caricature of intelligent debate debases all the politicians involved in it and is a major contributor to the public's growing disrespect for politicians. Both sides play this game and are equally at fault.

I'm also fed up with the mindless polarization of B.C. politics that in no way reflects how British Columbians see themselves or how we want our province to be governed. Most of us are reasonable people willing to hear the other guy's point of view and we don't see why our politics can't be similarly civil and fair-minded.

I'm fed up with electing politicians to represent our needs only to see them cudgeled into silence by Party discipline as soon as they reach the Legislature. We need MLAs of every political persuasion who aren't afraid to speak up for their constituents' interests regardless of the impact on their party's policies or leadership.

I'm fed up with the gradual debasement of our elected representatives authority in the Legislature. I'm fed up with the Legislature's power being usurped by the Office of the Premier. I'm deeply worried that between elections our government is slowly sliding into a form of parliamentary dictatorship by the Premier's Office. Here again, no one party is solely responsible for this trend.

So how will reforming our electoral system change any of this? What will BC-STV achieve that our current first-past-the-post system cannot?

For starters, let's consider our general B.C. politics, mired in polarization -- how would BC-STV change that?

The three principal hallmarks of BC-STV are: 1) every political party's share of seats in the Legislature is roughly equal to its share of the province-wide popular vote; 2) each voter ranks all the political party's candidates on his or her ballot and all those rankings affect who gets elected; 3) the voters in each constituency determine which of each party's candidates are elected to the Legislature.

Under this system politicians will need to sharply alter their style of politicking; a) if they want to get elected in their own riding and; b) if they want their party to stand a chance of being involved in the government. Under BC-STV appealing only to your own narrow political base while ignoring or insulting other viewpoints won't get you elected. Since every voter will rank every candidate on their ballot and every voter's ranking will count in determining who gets elected, the successful politicians will be those with the broadest base of public support - i.e. non-partisan support.

Likewise, since each party's representation in the Legislature will be proportional to its share of the popular vote, the political parties that can actually form a government will be those that demonstrate their ability to cooperate and collaborate with other parties and who are able to seek the middle ground that the largest number of party's and elected MLAs can support.

To me, this sounds like the fair-minded, thoughtful, pragmatic approach to getting things done that we all apply every day to our own lives - a refreshing change from the ugly, counter-productive polarization we see in B.C. politics today.

The political realities of BC-STV will enforce this badly needed change on our politicians' behavior and, I suspect, the best of them will be the happier for it.

Marty Horswill

Nelson, B.C.

Making your vote matter
Nelson Daily News
Thu 23 Apr 2009
Page: 7
Section: Editorial
Byline: Harvey Armstrong

To the Editor:

Imagine if voting felt good and elections were fair...

I usually don't send out messages like this to my friends, but I am making this exception because on May 12 we will have an important second referendum opportunity to improve the way we vote and because I am confident that if you have a look at the facts, you too will want to vote for a fairer electoral system, for BC-Single Transferable Vote.

For detailed information, click on the links in this email or go to:

The Citizens' Assembly chose BC-STV as the best system for B.C. BC-STV makes better government because it is proportionally fair, offers more voter choice and more accountability from MLAs with BC-STV your vote counts!

Currently, our First Past The Post system is alienating voters. Voter turnout is chronically low, people feel they must either vote strategically or risk wasting their vote. In BC in 1996, the party with the most votes lost the election. Then in 2001, the party which got 57.6% of the vote received 97.5% of the seats.

I have sent this to you in the hope that you will find STV important enough to forward this email to your BC contacts. This way we will encourage more voters to learn the advantages of BC-STV and to help make politics in BC better. In 2005, a large majority of 57% already voted FOR BC-STV. Only 3% more are needed to pass the referendum. We can do this!

Let's make history this time, vote for better democracy, vote for BC-Single Transferable Vote.

Harvey Armstrong

Kaslo, B.C.

NO STV releases Ipsos Reid poll showing both sides essentially tied in vote on Single Transferable Vote; releases TV ad
Bill Tieleman
Blog: Bill Tieleman
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Try BC - STV for the Constituency of North Vancouver
John Sharpe
Blog: North Vancouver
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Conservation Voters of BC Endorse STV and
Chrystal Ocean
Challenging the Commonplace
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Apr. 22nd Articles

Mayor criticizes STV - says it's 'complicated'
Alfie Lau
Burnaby Now
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Local candidates discuss BC-STV
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

STV somewhat complex, but a great way to vote
Maureen Maier
New Westminster News Leader
April 22, 2009

Uncertain? Confused? No way
The Globe and Mail
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A20
Section: Letter To The Editor
Byline: Anne-Marie St-Laurent

Uncertain? Confused? No way
The Globe and Mail
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A20
Section: Letter To The Editor
Byline: Jill Reilly

STV offers benefits to the voters of B.C.
Victoria Times Colonist
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A15
Section: Comment
Byline: Steven Hurdle

STV demonstrations through mock elections
Victoria Times Colonist
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A15
Section: Comment
Byline: Neil Paterson

Put an end to partisan warfare by changing B.C.'s electoral system
The Delta Optimist
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: 9
Section: Letters To The Editor
Byline: Al Jaugelis

Not surprising youth strongly favour STV
Nanaimo News Bulletin
April 22, 2009

What's not to like about STV?
Burnaby NewsLeader
April 22, 2009

You don't need in-depth STV knowledge to use it
North Shore News
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Test drive BC-STV online
North Shore News
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BC-STV and the Charlottetown Accord of 1992
Opinion 250 (Prince George)
By Peter Ewart
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vote yes to STV
Smithers Interior News
Wed 22 Apr 2009

Sorry Mike, STV will make the legislature more accountable
Houston Today
Wed 22 Apr 2009

STV more proportional, group told
Whistler Question
April 22, 2009
by Jennifer Miller

STV's history worth a look
Penticton Herald
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A7
Section: Letter
Byline: Harry Killick

Dear Editor:

We read letters (some of them quite polite) arguing the pros and cons of the Single Transferable Vote method of electing representatives to government.

But neither side seems aware that STV is not a new concept to British Columbia.

In 1952 the provincial election method was changed from FPTP to STV - no, sorry, I don't know why - and the result gave a minority-of-one government to W.A.C. Bennett's (right wing) Social Credit Party, with the CCF (left wing) as the official opposition.

Bennett, in 1953, decided to try STV again, and this time a majority was achieved, and Social Credit won the day with a walk-over, winning 28 seats to CCF's 14.

Premier W.A.C. Bennett then ditched the STV and reverted to FPTP for the 1956 election, winning another majority.

Prior to July 1958 the only way to get to Kelowna (then a small agricultural town) was by car ferry.

The Social Credit government then opened a new floating bridge to connect east and west.

The Minister of Highways, "Flyin' Phil" Gagliardi built or improved hundreds of miles of highways, and is reputed to have driven every one at high speed.

STV is not unknown or untried in British Columbia, and in fact worked very well for W.A.C. Bennett and the Social Credit party.

Harry Killick


Confused? visit this site
Penticton Herald
Wed 22 Apr 2009
Page: A7
Section: Letter
Byline: Bob Horsman

Dear Editor:

Regarding Florence Barton's letter "STV system too confusing". After reading it I was confused and I'm sure other readers would be too if they weren't already. She doesn't seem to understand that only one vote is cast and that it will not be wasted. She should visit: where she can watch a short video that should set concerned voters straight.

Bob Horsman


Response to Globe Article on BC-STV
Mark Crowley
Blog: Fair Vote UBC
April 22, 2009

Battleground BC: STV, Drugs, Game Changers, Burnaby, and The Premier
Jordan Bateman
Langley Politics Dotcom
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

STV: An example of electoral system abuse (bad example)
Young Liberal
Blog: Musings from the political youth corner
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

That other election: STV
by Marc Lee
Blog: The Lead-Up
April 22nd, 2009

More for Apr. 20th - 21st

STV hasn't worked all that well elsewhere
B. McLoughlin
Comox Valley Echo
April 21, 2009

A case for STV
Vanderhoof Omineca Express
April 21, 2009

Sixty-five per cent of B.C. in favour of BC-STV
Keremeos Review
April 21, 2009

What can we do?
Quesnel Cariboo Observe
Tue 21 Apr 2009

A chance to change the system
Penticton Western News
Tue 21 Apr 2009

STV shifts power back to the people: Citizen's Assembly
Quesnel Cariboo Observer
Tue 21 Apr 2009

STV gives advantages to voters
Maple Ridge News
Tue 21 Apr 2009

Single transferable vote basics
Sooke News Mirror
Tue 21 Apr 2009

STV gives B.C. more representation
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Mon 20 Apr 2009
Section: Opinion
Byline: Jenn Marshall

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Apr. 21st Articles

STV sparked by urge for fairness
Canwest News Service
April 21, 2009
by Rob Shaw

Delta-South candidates cover variety of topics
By Kristine Thiessen
South Delta Leader
Published: April 21, 2009

STV voting method effective elsewhere
Victoria Times Colonist
Tue 21 Apr 2009
Section: Comment
Byline: Chris Renneberg

Vote for a better system
Chilliwack Times
Tue 21 Apr 2009
Section: Letters
Byline: Ejnar Iversen

BC-STV: Jaded editor gets it all wrong
Langley Advance
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Byline: Devon Rowcliffe

BC-STV: Direct democracy better
By Jordan Braun
Langley Advance
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

STV superior, delivers more proportionality
Penticton Herald
Tue 21 Apr 2009
Page: A5
Section: Opinion
Byline: Tom Hoenisch

Dear Editor:

On May 12, the voters of B.C. have an opportunity to change the way we vote.

BC-STV is far superior to our current first-past-the-post voting system. BC-STV delivers more proportionality and gives voters far more choices when they vote. Even voters who are strong supporters of a given party can rank that party's candidates in order of their effectiveness in representing that riding.

This is the incentive for MLAs to represent your wishes in the legislature and not just be a mouthpiece for their party in your riding. You will no longer be stuck voting for an ineffective candidate just because you support that particular party. Imagine the power that gives to voters; yes folks that means you and me and all the ordinary citizens.

It is no wonder that the established political elites (both the NDP and the Liberals) are against STV. Political parties do not like relinquishing control to the people. That would be too much like a real democracy!

Tom Hoenisch


BC-STV speeding towards mediocrity
Bob Groeneveld
Bob Groeneveld’s blog – Langley Advance
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BC-STV poll pushes against 'Glen Clark's failed administration'
By Sean Holman
The Hook
April 21, 2009

STV supporters' poll found 65 percent favour voting system change
By Andrew MacLeod
The Hook
April 21, 2009

Mixed bag: criminals, cops, STV and a soldier's death
Dawg's Blawg
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Apr. 20th Articles

STV system would be complicated and expensive
Ross Williams
The Tri-City Daily
April 20, 2009

Leave Mission as one electoral area
Lila Rauh
Mission City Record
April 20, 2009

What Is B.C.-STV? Find Out April 22

Shoni Field: B.C.'s STV referendum is about voters
Georgia Straight
April 20, 2009
by Shoni Field

STV is a fairer system that makes more votes count
Cowichan News Leader and Pictorial
April 20, 2009
by Randy Granbois

We are ready for STV
Penticton Herald
Mon 20 Apr 2009
Page: A7
Section: Letter
Byline: Dorothy Redivo

Dear Editor:

In reply to Yasmin John-Thorpe's letter (Herald, April 15), I can understand that for her a switch from a one-party system to a two-party one was a big improvement towards democracy.

But in our generous, multicultural society this is not good enough anymore.

It may have served us well, but issues have become more complicated, people better educated and more outspoken. Look at all the 'wasted' voices in an election from people who can not vote for either the one or the other and choose a different approach to governing our beautiful province.

The two-party system is too controversial, yes/no, in/out, wrong/right, black/white. We have matured to a more democratic system, a system that can accommodate more than one idea.

Particularly for us immigrants from central Europe, who grew up in a multi-party system, we refuse to believe, that it is too complicated a system to be understood by our citizens.

Instead of getting lost in the nitty-gritty of its workings, we should first accept the main reason for it.

The reason for fairness. Yes, it will be more complicated and ask for more input and discussions and lead to consensus. This would lead to less reversals of quick decisions by a leading party and possibly be not onlyfairer but maybe even more economical in the long run.

Yes for STV, we are ready for it!

Dorothy Redivo


Clip and save: The STV voting system, explained
By Greg Joyce
Blog: The Hook
April 20, 2009

Thoughts On STV 4 — What The Critics Won't Say
Stand Your Ground
Monday, April 20, 2009

More for Apr. 16-19th

STV system reflects voters' real wishes
Victoria Times Colonist
Sun 19 Apr 2009
Byline: Judy Gaylord

Why Kids in Canada Want Election Reform
Seattle Weekly
April 19, 2009
by Krist Novoselic

STV provides for fair results
Kamloops Daily News
Sat 18 Apr 2009
Page: A6
Section: Opinion
Byline: Dick McMaster

Once again you will all have the opportunity to change the way we vote. No longer will you have to hold your nose and vote for a candidate who may just be the best of a bad lot.

Once again, we have the opportunity to endorse the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform on May 12. This was a group of 80 men and 80 women with no political affiliations.

After 11 months of deliberations, the assembly identified three values that would resonate positively with most British Columbians, including greater voter choice; fairer results and accountable local MLAs.

In the 2005 election, 58 per cent of those who voted supported STV. However, the initiative required affirmation from 60 per cent of the voters. On May 12, we have one last opportunity to choose STV for BC.

What are the benefits of STV?

1. Greater voter choice.

2. Fairer results (in 2001 the NDP received almost 40 per cent of the vote but actually elected only two members in the legislature).

3. Depending upon the size and population of a riding, there may be as few as two or three MLAs or as many as seven or eight.

It will be absolutely essential for inter-party collaboration within the riding for the benefit of the regional population. Good government will trump party affiliation and all riding MLAs will be expected to work for their constituents.



What price do we put on having a better voting system
Richmond Review
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 11
Section: Opinion

Votes will count with BC-STV
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 0011
Section: Opinion

Votes will count with BC-STV
Nanaimo Bulletin
April 17, 2009
by Jordan Ellis

Single Transferable Vote referendum a worthy cause
New Westminster News Leader
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 7
Section: Opinion

Another view on STV...
Prince Rupert Daily News
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 4
Section: Opinion & Letters
Byline: Shoni Field

To the Editor,

Letter writer Roth's belief that the Citizens' Assembly was manipulated by the Fraser Institute or anybody else is wrong. We were 160 ordinary citizens with no vested interests, chosen randomly from the voters list, a man and a women from every constituency in the province. We spent 11 months studying electoral systems and listening British Columbians. Voters told us that they wanted a fair and proportional system, with more responsive local representation and greater voter choice. 95% of us voted to recommend BC-STV, because it was the system that best met BC's wishes. It is proportional; with 90 plus years of results from around the world, this fact is inarguable. But there are many proportional systems, Single Transferable Vote rose above them all because: Only STV provides voters with greater choice at the local level. Only STV makes local contests more competitive, and MLAs more accountable to their constituents. Only STV gives MLAs some leverage to champion important local issues with government. The Citizens' Assembly chose BC-STV in large part because it puts the voters in charge at the local level.

- Shoni Field

Former Citizens' Assembly member

Voting for reform
Vernon Morning Star
Thu 16 Apr 2009
Section: Opinion
Byline: Cara Brady

Time is now to change voting system
Prince George Free Press
Thu 16 Apr 2009

STV vote urged
Vernon Morning Star
Thu 16 Apr 2009

A case for BC-STV
Prince George Free Press
Thu 16 Apr 2009
Page: 00A8
Section: Opinion

If it's good enough for assembly...
Comox Valley Record
Thu 16 Apr 2009

BC-STV voting system: how it works
Campbell River Mirror
Thu 16 Apr 2009

STV: a reason to show up at the polls
Dawson Creek Daily News
Thu 16 Apr 2009
Page: A7
Section: Editorial & Opinion
Byline: Greg Amos

Tuesday evening was one of the finest nights of the year so far, and it's quite possible that those who'd planned on attending the B.C. single transferable vote (BC-STV) forum at the Dawson Creek library blew off the plans in favour of some fresh air instead.

But it was still disheartening to see just one member of the public show up to an information meeting with big implications for democracy in B.C.

The proposed BC-STV voting system is a major improvement, plain and simple. It entirely eliminates the need to vote strategically. Voters can simply vote for who they want to represent them and stand a chance of seeing that person elected.

Federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May isn't out of line in calling this new voting system a "quantum leap," and it's no surprise that B.C.'s Green Party has picked up the mantle of STV as a major part of its election campaign.

The May 12 election will feature a head-to-head clash between the BC Liberal Party and the NDP. It's very unlikely that MLAs from any other party will get elected. What this means in essence is that B.C. has taken on a de facto two-party system. And it's been that way for years, whether the top parties bear the Social Credit, Conservative, NDP, or Liberal moniker.

This is a bad thing for democracy - when MLAs frequently win ridings with less than 50 per cent of the popular vote, it means a lot of voters aren't being represented in Victoria.

Under the first-past-the-post voting system, this two-party system is fairly well entrenched. Campaign spending gets results, and without being able to outspend the competition, candidates from minor parties have a slim chance of being elected.

Right now, there are only two parties with any real money in B.C. As reported on David Schreck's Strategic Thoughts blog, the 2005 election saw the two top parties spend most of the dough. BC Liberals spent a total of $7.76 million and the NDP spent $5.88 million, while the Green Party spent just $281,000. Yet the Green Party has consistently ranked as B.C.'s third most popular party, finishing with 9.2 per cent of the overall popular vote that year, and 12.4 per cent of the vote in the 2001 election.

So something's broken with the election system. Common sense dictates it should be fixed.

Gordon Campbell first called for electoral reform as leader of the opposition. To his credit, he initiated a process to seek out reform when he became premier in 2001. The BC-STV proposal, recommended by the Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform, was made a referendum question during the 2005 election, and received 58 per cent support, just a little short of the 60 per cent popular support BC-STV needs to become established. For that reason, the question is being posed to B.C. voters one more time.

"A majority government based on majority support - that doesn't bother me," said Sandra Hoffman, a speaker for the Yes to STV campaign at the Tuesday night meeting. "But a majority government with 39 per cent of the popular vote - there's something wrong with that."

That scenario took place in 1996, when the NDP won power with that meager percentage of voter approval. 2001 also featured a weird result, when the BC Liberals won 97 per cent of the seats with just 57 per cent of the popular vote.

These strange scenarios are not possible under STV. The workings of it are slightly complicated, but it can be explained like this: current ridings are combined to form larger districts with multiple members. The total number of MLAs we elect in B.C. does not change.

On election day, voters can rank candidates in order of preference, numbering from 1, 2, 3, and so on. The voter can rank as many or as few candidates as they want to.

When it comes time to count the votes, a candidate wins a seat if he or she receives a certain number of votes, determined by a formula that depends on how many MLAs are in that multi-member riding. If a voter's first choice has already reached that magic number, that voter's ballot is transferred to his or her second choice candidate.

Under STV, the two-member district for the Peace would mean at least 68 per cent of voters can be guaranteed their votes will count for something.

BC-STV is not some system scrawled out on the back of a napkin. It's a well thought-out and effective system, but it's also undeniably more complicated than first-past-the-post. And it most likely will result in more minority governments. But minority governments can get things done, and a new voting system could usher in a paradigm shift that would turn B.C.'s legislature into something more productive than the partisan flame war it often turns into.

I've been writing about provincial politics for two years, and I still have a lot to learn. But I can guarantee the referendum is worth voting in favour of. By transferring power from political parties to voters, STV should result in a lot less voter apathy and a lot more real work getting done in the legislature.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tues. Apr. 21st Article in need of response!

Letter Writers for BC-STV – please respond to this article:
The editorial pasted below will appear in today’s Globe and Mail . They must be immediately deluged with letters and online comments refuting the article. Please add online comments immediately and try to get letters in before noon.
Letters to the editor should be less than 200 words, and must include the name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the writer. Submit them to:
Online comments here:

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

April 21, 2009 at 12:00 AM EDT

Rather than staging a rerun of the electoral-reform referendum of 2005, the government and legislature of British Columbia should have presented the voters in this year's election with a better plan for proportional representation, one that would balance proportionality with the need for effective and coherent government.

The intention of the rematch on the single-transferable-vote proposal, which in 2005 did not reach the required 60-per-cent approval, is that this time the people of B.C. are to be supplied with more information, partly because the two sides are being granted public money to get their messages across.

Though information may give the voters some help, STV is inherently bewildering. It is not only arithmetically complex, but it is also designed to weaken government through political fragmentation. The uncertainty and confusion felt by British Columbians in 2005 were symptoms of the scheme's own flaws, more than of referendum procedures.

Consequently, the politicians should have gone back to the drawing board; they should not have felt bound by the conclusion of the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform in 2004. Instead, they should have turned to the Citizens' Assembly's second choice, a mixed-member proportional system, which would provide for both strong riding representation and substantial reflection of the popular vote.

The extreme, lopsided results of the B.C. elections of 1996 and 2001 made a clear case against the current single-member plurality system, pejoratively known as “first-past-the-post.”

A purely proportional system would make majority government a rarity, yet there are times when the electorate itself wants a clear change of direction, which pure PR is highly unlikely to allow.

In 2007, Ontario voters were offered a mixed-member proportional option, which would have supplemented riding representatives with members from party lists, so that each party would end up with a shares of seats in the legislature equal to its share of the popular vote.

In contrast, a better, more balanced system would apportion the additional seats in proportion to the popular vote, but would only partly compensate parties for their riding-by-riding losses.

Both STV and purely proportional MMP are recipes for endless minority governments, and voters should reject them accordingly.

Eventually, a referendum ought to offer a system that allows for both fairness and effective government. It is worth taking the time to get electoral reform right.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Apr. 19th Articles

STV pro: Ensuring real representation
Victoria Times Colonist
Sunday, April 19, 2009
by Bruce Hallsor

STV con: It just doesn't fit in B.C.
By Bob Plecas
Times Colonist
April 19, 2009

Wheezing B.C. vote system needs STV cure
The Province
April 19, 2009
by James McNulty
also at

Provincial election campaigns underway
By Andrew Mitchell
Pique Newsmagazine
April 19, 2009

Proportional Representation In B.C. Politics: The STV Referendum
Raphael Alexander
Blog: Unambiguously Ambidextrous
April 19, 2009

Vote for your favourite pizza using STV and FPTP
Skinny Dipper
Blog: The Skinny
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thoughts On STV 3 — Myths And Reality
Blog: Stand Your Ground
Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 18th Articles

Embracing the power of plain language
By Wanda Chow
New Westminster News Leader
April 18, 2009

A crash course in everything STV
Cathryn Atkinson
Sat Apr. 18 2009 18:47:07

BC-STV Referendum, what-if scenarios
Sacha Peter
Blog: BC Election 2009
April 18, 2009

Proportional Representation Is about to Pass in British Columbia
Larry Moran
Blog: Sandwalk
Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 17th Articles

Referendum: Bob doesn't understand
Langley Advance
Friday, April 17, 2009

STV serves up choice of MLAs
Langley Advance
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 8
Section: Opinion
Byline: Matthew Claxton
Column: Painful truth

BC-STV would be disastrous
B. Penner
Langley Advance
Published: Friday, April 17, 2009

Less adersarial democracy
Abbotsford News
April 17, 2009

Why A Referendum on Electoral Reform
Campbell River Courier-Islander
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: A12
Section: Opinion
Byline: Ray Grigg

Changing the system
Comox Valley Echo
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: A10
Section: Opinions
Byline: Jamie Deith

BC-STV redefines game
Richmond News
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 10
Section: Opinion

Rallying for a voting change; BC-STV getting their message out
Chilliwack Times
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 1 / FRONT
Byline: Mike Chouinard

Anti-STV campaign backers tell the story
Nelson Daily News
Fri 17 Apr 2009
Page: 7
Section: Editorial
Source: Nelson Marty HorswillDaily News

To the Editor:

Amidst the news about the political parties' start of their election campaigns on Monday, I heard a report on CBC about the referendum campaign on reforming BC's system of elections - i.e., do we stick with our current "first past the post" (FPTP) system or change to the "Single transferrable vote" (STV-BC) system. What interested me most in this report was hearing from the anti-STV-BC side of the debate for the first time.

I was surprised to learn that the two public spokespeople for the campaign opposed to adopting STV-BC are high profile New Democrats, Bill Tieleman and former MLA, Ann Edwards. As a former, long-time New Democrat myself, I was at first shocked that these individuals were fronting the anti-STV-BC campaign. But, when I reflected on why we are still saddled with the antiquated and unfair first-past-the-post electoral system anyway, then it made perfect sense. Politicians and political parties love the way we do things now.

In the last election New Democrats got 41.5% of the popular vote while the Campbell Liberals got 45.8%, a 4.3% spread. This 4.3% difference resulted in the New Democrats winning 34 seats in the Legislature and the Liberals 42 seats. It gave the Liberals a majority government with 100% of the power.

Mr. Tieleman and Ms. Edwards like our current system because they hope the New Democrats can take enough votes from the Liberal in this election to turn a similarly small percentage difference to the NDP's advantage so they can win 100% of the power.

This is how FPTP works, it produces grossly distorted electoral outcomes that create false majorities.

Ambitious politicians, passionately seeking power, are acutely aware that the FPTP electoral system, that usually allows one group of politicians to get 100% of the power with as little as 40% of the popular vote, is much more politician friendly than a system where they only get 40% of the power in return for 40% of our votes.

Voters on the other hand are far better off with a system that forces political parties to go into the Legislature with the same percentage of seats as the percent of the provincial popular vote they won in the election. STV-BC will give voters the kind of fair election outcomes British Columbians want.

For me the most important question in the up-coming election isn't: "Which group of politicians we want to take power." No, the real question is: "Do we want to change our electoral system to give real electoral power back to ourselves or do we want to continue to leave it in the hands of the politicians?"

I'm voting for STV-BC and all British Columbians fed up with BC politics as usual should do likewise.

Marty Horswill

Nelson, B.C.

BC-STV supporters putting up signs
Prince George Free Press
April 17, 2009

Organizing some BC-STV knowledging
Russ Miller
Blog: nationalpolitick
April 17, 2009

Coun. Andrea Reimer says an STV win will thwart mixed-member proportional representation in B.C.
By Charlie Smith
April 17, 2009

Apr. 16th Articles

Referendum’s vital to election
Alberni Valley News
April 16, 2009

Debating BC-STV
By Kristine Thiessen
South Delta Leader
April 16, 2009

Backing BC-STV removes need to vote for the lesser of evils
The Vancouver Province
Thu 16 Apr 2009
Page: A19
Section: Editorial
Byline: Matthew Laird

Push continues for STV
Peace Arch News
April 16, 2009

Vote could transform B.C.’s electoral system
Penticton Western News
April 16, 2009
by Steve Kidd

Reader gives STV the nod
Saanich News
April 16, 2009

David Schreck: Adopting STV could make B.C. politics worse
By David Schreck
April 16, 2009

BC-STV, Single Transferable Vote
Greg Byrne
Blog: NL-Outsidethebox [confederation]
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thoughts On STV 2 - Is It Really THAT Complicated?
Blog: Stand Your Ground
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blog: Calgary Grit
Thursday, April 16, 2009

BC-STV Puppet Show
Blog: Hell, Upside Down

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More for Apr. 12-15th

Referendum rally for electoral reform in Chilliwack
Chilliwack Progress
April 15, 2009

Cast ballot for BC STV
Nelson Star
Wed 15 Apr 2009
Page: 9
Section: Opinion

BC-STV critics resort to 'phony arguments'
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Wed 15 Apr 2009
Page: 10
Section: Opinion

Two thirds back BC-STV
Kitimat Northern Sentinel
Wed 15 Apr 2009
Section: Election

Driftwood Editorial - BC-STV round 2
Gulf Islands Driftwood
Wed 15 Apr 2009
Page: A08
Section: Opinion

Single Transferable Vote concept advocated by ex-cabinet minister
Kelowna Capital News
Wed 15 Apr 2009
By Adrian Nieoczym

Vote in favour of STV system
Castlegar News
Tue 14 Apr 2009
Page: 9
Section: Opinion

System would bring fair results
100 Mile House Free Press
Tue 14 Apr 2009
Page: A8
Section: Opinion

STV referendum more important
Maple Ridge News
Tue 14 Apr 2009
Page: 1
Section: Opinion

STV support increases after it gets in
Vanderhoof Omineca Express
Tue 14 Apr 2009
Page: 7
Section: Opinion

Consensus democracy will work
Nanaimo Bulletin
April 13, 2009

Vote yes to BC-STV system
Revelstoke Times Review
Mon 13 Apr 2009
Page: A7
Section: Opinion

A word on the single transferable vote system (STV)
Similkameen Spotlight
Sun 12 Apr 2009
Section: Opinion